Sunday, March 10, 2019

March Updates

    In Reading we completed our Mystery Unit and will move into Research Clubs. This unit will align with our Information Writing and Research unit. We will read high interest nonfiction materials and study text structures. This helps students become better readers of non fiction material. In addition it will increase their understanding of academic vocabulary. 

      Students are in groups researching an animal. They are learning to use various resources, including digital,  to take notes. Students will demonstrate what they have learned with solid paragraph writing, grammar and spelling. Ask your child which animal they are studying! They are working well in their groups, as they learn to work together and compromise. 

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In math we just began unit 5. We will return to the study of multiplication and how it
relates to division. Students will build arrays and use them to solve division and multiplication
problems. Story problems will be analyzed and build knowledge of how division relates to their
everyday world. Students will continue to work on fact fluency and practice with fact families.
Area will be explored in this unit and again in unit 6.

As the SBAC State test approaches I will begin to discuss this more with the students.
I find this helps them to be less concerned with the unknown. While we communicate how
important this test is we do not want students to be anxious. As a reminder the dates are
4/25, 4/26 and 5/2, 5/3 & 5/7.

Thank you for your continued support at home Please contact me with questions or concerns.

April Updates